Sunday 16 June 2019

seeds of death

 Fans who grown up  on new who not  understand  how  big  thing to get this on VHS  at Christmas 1985 to get something from  1960,s  having  a  buzz  age 15 at time as only hand  full  of second  doctor  episodes exist  in full at time and ones that  got released   in early  mid  1980,s  on VHS were  day of of the daleks , revenge of the cybermen ,  pyramids of  mars  all   edit  in  feature version then the   uncut episodes  we get in DVD  2019  today , one thing notice about 1960,s doctor need  gaits to get  out of things use wits  and people work together solve it  and pace of  adventure is good  and holds up today with  help of good script and strong  cast  am glad this story was  saved from the junking  and to this day amazed  what has recover and how what they can do today to  restore picture and sound  also to animate lost adventures  to bring life to the 1960,s 
Rating  9/10