Sunday 1 January 2017

The Curse Of Fenric Special Edition Review

This is what I call real good  special edition  DVD to see adventure way it was to been seen as before it had to be cut down alot because of time reasons even go far to ask BBC to make it in five parts but they said no, 
We are lucky to have all the cut film and music not like 1970s whare the BBC would junk anything to get lost in the mist of time .
The plot stands up well also got the mood and attitudes of 1940s right also one the best monsters from 1980s of Doctor Who the HAEMOVORES are and works better in a feature length version with  well written characters plays on what was happening at time of Vampires and  the walking dead  with a clever and believable way to defeat them by strong  human faith also have good back story to tide up the events together .
To me ACE is one best timeless Doctor Who companions of all time never date and far nicer then ROSE from new WHO as ACE enjoys blowing things up and adventure and also cares for people and stands up for what is right and not afied not tell the DOCTORS wrong .
 Rteing : 10/10