Sunday 3 September 2017

classic cybermen beat new cybermen any old day ; golden years of who

amazed we had any cybermen stories from doctor who TV junking from 1970,s  as they were the top monsters of 1960s also show how scarily they are in the tenth planet . Very well put together a hook of adventure  also first who story a fix moment in time .
spare parts a clever story plays idea  somethings  the doctor can not change only be part of events  as we know the out come nothing you can do about  it also comes cross a chilly adventure .  The patent menace  really fits well with  events after the tenth planet  also get that hide in the shadows feel of classic who that you dont get with tv show nowadays also believe this could be mead in 1960s worth hearing .Moonbace ware Patrick Troughton found his feet as the doctor also story works well in audio  and telvison  drama  also done like mystery  ware viewer works it out by clues round them love way makes everyone  relax in tensed  moments  and trust him . cybermen work better in the shadows to wait there moment to take over, there ls  something  more scare about them in 1960s , thanks to animation that brought life to lost doctor who at sometime  it brought something  new too it .The tomb of the Cybermen  a story that  who fans are bit hard on this as they were caught up myth  how they remmber them by mixing it with target book range but lot good stuff about it I  see  having 1930,s mummy film in space  with humor horror twist also great touching moments between the doctor and Victoria   and know from start of the new  TARDIS  crew going to be well liked the doctor  , Jamie , Victoria  with  some great fun bad guys and very enjoyable adventure to watch .Hats off to the creators  Kit Peddler and Gerry Davis to bring as cybermen that need a big celebration of there own