Sunday 8 October 2017


The very first episode really stands alone as piece  of telvison  that starts to bring  the characters  to adventure and most undated  episode of all doctor who adventures and from the start you will like Ian and Barbra and feel your part of there journey of try to think will they ever get home back to earth 1963 I love idea old  history format to make you part of past history events and feel the since of past is danger place to be  and how can you get out of them  . rate full marks  *****

10 000 BC may be not be everyone  cup tea by  who fans but has some good moments in the adventure of leaning to work together and put there diffdentces a side to get back to the ship and hope to get home and just been there shape early man  future bring back lost way of fire . rate  friendly  3 *** because not really bad story 

Wednesday 20 September 2017


spearhead in space was first story to feature the third doctor also beginning  something new and fresh that was diffdent went before  that Derick  Shewin had  been  thinking about since last season by changing format  what was  to come stranded 26 episodes also decade to make fans over the world ever since . This story  by Robert Holmes who will be remembered for doctor who many years to come , THE AUTON,S  like many aliens from doctor who stick in minds of children  years and get return the following year that will induce the master   in terror of autons from 1971  also in great spin off  AUTON faithful to idea by Robert Holmes but when doctor who came back on doctor who  in 2005 after been off screens many years  we see rerun of autons but not ones i know from classic  who  . SPEARHEAD  IN SPACE has most underrated  companions  Liz Shaw who was scientist  was going to go to Cambridge who gets rope in to unit , unit was set up just after yeti attack ware brigadier first meet the doctor and wont be until season 8 that be remembered  as the unit family  years .

the plot hold up well and dont need to worry abort what happen before as you see it is done like all new show like you were watching it first time at end of episode 1 gives me chills even dummy's coming out windows from episode 4 even when i had the feature  VHS  copy  years ago it mead me aware of shop window dummy's   for long time  .
rating : 10/10

Monday 11 September 2017

doctor who season 6 thoughts

  This is my look at season 6 that run in 1968 to 1969 ware you see some changes to DOCTOR WHO that were diffident to the last season that stuck in mind more then this season maybe of TARGET books that did doctor who book range  that begin in 1973  that keep lost doctor who alive and enjoyment to young kids from 1970.s as we know lot of doctor who was junked by the BBC  know we got more better taste of the second doctor that was recovered but Zoe Heriot,s first adventure is still lost but i have all season 6 even one of them is on CD . Well season five be remembered for been the monster years  , as season 6 comes cross a odd mix with  real taste of fantasy and dreams also maybe the end of doctor who by end of 1969 as they did  not carry on by 1970 of new decade to come that bring something new and fresh that wil refresh reshape to doctor who we know today . Patrick Troughton  worries  about the scripts of some stories are founded of need of more devilment  and did not help by rejecting lot of scripts and amazed got any good stories left to show from season 6 .THE DOMINATORS not bad story just would fit better with first doctor then the second doctor but  show best for Jamie as great planer at dealing best way to win a fight in this story well zoe use her mind to work things out but also gets her trouble in the KROTONS  Well in the INVASION  see Zoe at her best also see new side of  her been young woman rather then just clever girl also see what is to come the unit years with the brigadier  and his term that will come big part of eaely 1970.s with the third doctor . Wont be doctor who with rerun of monsters  like cybermen and ice warriors to help to boost up ratings but shame that  the yeti and great indigence had come back this season  because trouble  behind the scenes at time at sometime  the MIND ROBBER   brought  something  diffdent and fun with fantasy and use your mind to work things out enjoyably to watch ,also from season 6  i find having longer episodes dont allays drug long as there two plots going on or good characters like the invasion  had amazing start that holds well together  before we see the cybermen same goes to the war games holds up well for a ten part adventure not like some six part doctor who stories get you feel it should be 4 a part story . THE SPACE PIRATES not bad story people say just bad luck one the lost stories that faced the junking so its kind adventure got to been seen on TV then been heard but target audio book helps to understand the story.
After thought: Jamie and Zoe had more sad out come like Donna had all there adventures taken away from them that change them to become more they are taken away from them ,